

Carbon Sesto is the signature high performance luxury brand that brings elegance to the world of travel bags, luggage, and accessories. It was created on the basis of providing fashion forward designs with true function, for consumers that are always on the go. Carbon Sesto targets the everyday traveler. Whether in the air or on the ground, Carbon Sesto has products that meet the technical needs of traveler, without sacrificing style. Made from the highest quality materials, Carbon Sesto products are sure to stand the test of time, in function, endurance and aesthetics.

Cameleon Bags is a luxe, high-fashion Conceal Carry Weapon (CCW) Purse and Bag brand that features a dedicated CCW pocket within each and every bag. We make handbags that not only have a pocket to conceal a firearm but also have taken into consideration styles of bags that suit all types of customers. Cameleon Bags believes that one should not have to choose between function and style and challenges the idea that cut proof handles and high-grade zippers can only be put on large, and bulky bags. Safeguard yourself and ensure the safety of loved ones by discreetly carrying a concealed firearm in your purse or bag. Only to be used as a last resort, drawing a firearm on an assailant can give you the amount of time you need to safely get away, and report it to the authorities.

Balance Home is an everyday, affordable home goods brand that encompasses all things textile. It was created with the intention of allowing everyone easy access to the softest, highest-quality textiles, without breaking the bank. Balance Home features a variety of goods, including your everyday items, such as bath towels, kitchen towels, washcloths, linens and bedsheets, to very unique and sometimes patented items, such as the Travel Pets® kids pillows.

Steel Dog is a rugged, outdoor, workingman’s brand, with a special focus on professional grade products. By focusing on creating high quality, field tested products that stand the test of time, Steel Dog’s brand image proves that their products are as durable as its target customer. From medical grade steel tumblers, to the best workingman’s leather wallet in the market, and even industry-revolutionizing professional grade lineman’s pliers, Steel Dog has got you covered.

River Ridge is the premier mass market wholesale brand, boasting a host of everyday products for grocery and convenient stores, specially packaged and displayed for effortless placement within all store types/sizes. Product offerings include a vast variety of categories from leather goods, electronic accessories, personal fashion accessories, luggage and bags, and even outdoor/hiking.

